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Title 60

Unlock All Missions
At the main menu, choose continue game, then select password. At the password menu, press UP, X, O, UP, LEFT, SQUARE, O, X. Choose single player or coop, and, if you entered it correctly all missions will be unlocked.
Submitted by: Brakker Z Ryan Rider
Added: August 21, 2001
Click below if this code:
Doesn't work | Should be a hint

Level Passwords
Level     Password

3     Triangle, Circle, Down, Left, Square, Square, Up, Up
4     X, Right, Left, X, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle
5     Down, Down, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Right, X
6     Triangle, X, Up, Left, Right, Left, Circle, Triangle
7     Right, Square, Right, Down, Circle, X, X, Right
8     Triangle, Right, Square, Square, Circle, Down, Down, X
9     Up, X, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Left, Left
10     Triangle, Up, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Down
11     Circle, Circle, Up, Left, Right, X, Triangle, Square
12     Right, Up, X, Right, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle
13     Left, Left, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Down, Right
14     Square, Right, Circle, Up, Down, Square, Down, X
15     Left, Right, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Circle
16     Triangle, Circle, X, Right, Right, Circle, Square, Down
17     Square, Up, Up, Right, Left, Square, Down, X
18     Circle, X, Right, Triangle, Square, Up, X, X
19     Down, Right, X, Square, Right, Up, Circle, Circle
20     Up, X, Circle, Up, Left, Square, Circle, X
21     Left, Circle, Triangle, Down, X, X, X, Circle
22     Triangle, X, Down, Left, Right, X, Circle, Square